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Children's guardian angel e.V.

Kinderschutzengel e.V.
Project Child Guardian Angel on four paws

Kinderschutzengel was founded in 2005 by Jacqueline Boy and is recognized by the Berlin tax office as a non-profit organization for the "promotion of youth welfare". The association from Berlin has made it its business to support seriously and chronically ill as well as disabled children and young people and their families nationwide. According to official statistics, more than 900,000 families live with disabled and chronically ill children in Germany. Cuts in the health system unfortunately often only allow for basic care. Thanks to you we are able to help child protection angels and the affected families.

Kinderschutzengel e.V. is 100% financed by donations.

As the only association in Germany, the Child Protection Angels Team has been allowed since 2012 to go with their 8 trained therapy dogs directly to the children's wards of Berlin and Brandenburg clinics and visit the small and larger patients directly at and also in the hospital bed in their rooms. Many of the children and adolescents show no progress or are therapy tired in the classic therapies, the costs of which are covered by health insurance companies. The positive and holistic effect of animal-supported therapy is proven and known today. According to studies of the University of Bonn, the positive effect of animals on the human body can be proven especially in the field of cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, psychosomatic diseases, childhood behavioural and developmental disorders, neuroses and psychoses.

It has been proven many times that only the mere presence or petting of a dog has a significant blood pressure-lowering effect on the human circulatory system.

Nevertheless, the costly training of a dog and its use is not covered by the health insurance companies, despite proven therapeutic successes. Therapy companion dogs are not listed in the catalogue of remedies and aids of the health insurance companies and therefore there is only the possibility to get such a valuable helper through donations. The Kinderschutzengel Team uses its therapy companion dogs in individual or group therapies in various clinics. In the case of seriously ill or multiply handicapped children, calmly clinging to the dog can normalise the breathing rhythm and muscle tone and help to achieve a satisfying tactile experience.

Positive effects of the concomitant therapy with dogs:
- Strengthens trust in other people
- Reduces fear
- Reduces pain
- Increases empathy (recognition of emotions)
- Strengthens calm and good mood
- Reduces stress
- Lowers blood pressure and pulse

Often the interaction with the animal has a "door opener function", because it can make a professional therapeutic treatment possible or easier.

Also the examination by the doctor is easier to bear, if a therapy companion dog lies beside the child and distracts it, it hurts only
half as much and keeping still is very easy. So the dogs are already used to support the laying of a central vein access or to pull a drainage.
Last but not least, animal protection is also human protection:

"We always pay attention to the needs of people and animals. The assignments are limited in time. The dogs must not be overtaxed."

Only happy, relaxed, healthy dogs are successful therapy companion dogs.

We are overjoyed to support this great association. With your help, we can beautify the often dreary everyday life of the small and big patients, give
them new courage to face life and take away their fear.

You want to learn more about Kinderschutzengel e.V.?
Visit their website - www.kinderschutzengel.de

Donation amount 2019: 400€
